Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fifth-third commercials

Is this what Fifth-Third Bank thinks of its potential customers?

Party (Don't be that guy)
Do they really think their customers need Fifth-Third in order to not be that guy? Sounds insulting to me.

Snuggies and not paying the electric bill

I was going to hunt down and link to every commercial on my own, but they all seem to be collected:


But really, do you want to go to a bank that thinks so little of you that they believe that without their help you'd turn into "one of those guys"?

Friday, June 25, 2010 ps2 controller device driver

I bought a Playstation 2 controller to PC adapter from The computer found drivers for it, so I left it like that. I finally got around to inserting the driver disc and the filenames on it were cryptic. Not only that, Microsoft Security Essentials found what it thinks is a password stealer in 2008U+P.exe

The filenames are: