Monday, August 10, 2015

Entitlement Mentality Shaming Gone Wrong

So a video called Entitlement Mentality Gone Wild is a thing. It strings together snippets of news stories in an attempt to illustrate that... at risk vulnerable people act silly, I guess? But it begs the question of whether "entitlement mentality" is even a thing. Do these people have a sense of entitlement or are they just trying to get by the best they can figure out? But my attention was drawn to a clip where an Angel Adams says "Somebody needs to pay for all my children, and my... and all our suffering, for all our... somebody needs to be held accountable and they need to pay.

The video twists what she says. She feels mistreated by the system and believes someone needs to pay for what they did to her. That analysis is bolstered by the story at this link. she was trying to go it alone, but the state wouldn't let her.
Here's another clip:

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